Saturday, July 5, 2014

Appendix - Bonus weekend in NYC

After sitting on the Tarmac for 2 hours the inevitable announcement came. "Well folks, we are going to have to head back to the gate..."

Hurricane Arthur managed to block our flight path out of NYC.  For that matter, almost every flight heading south or west was cancelled.  Choices:

1. Head East (Go back to Europe) - tempting..
2. Hang out the airport and hope to get a flight with the thousands of other tired and angry refugees (uhh... not so much)
3. Hang out in NYC !!!

We'll take Door number 3, Bob !

Big bummer factor - The soonest flight we could book for home was for Saturday.  We would miss 4th of July in our hood. Thanks to Brandy, John and Melissa for sending us non-stop updates from the parade, party and pool fun.  Wish we could have been there.

So - time for a whirlwind tour of NYC:

Walking tour through SOHO - with breakfast in Nolita at our fav, Grey Dog (Also best play list ever - from Carpenters to Bob Dylan)

Walking Tours of Little Italy (with an actual visit this time to the Christmas Store - on 4th of July) and China Town (no foot rub this time)

Took the 6 up to Grand Central
Over to Time Square to see the Disney on Acid madness (Jordyn to Minnie Mouse - "DONT TOUCH ME !")

Rockefeller Center

Window shopping on 5th Avenue (starting getting some rain from fringe of Arthur)
Plaza hotel

Central Park Stroll

Bevies at Tavern on the green to wait out the rain

Over to the MET

Back to Grand Central to see Sierra and Lauren and Zoe off on their way out for a camping weekend - had to help them confirm they packed correctly - Check !

Lunch at 12 Chairs in Soho (Israeli food on the 4th of July)
Back to the Hotel for a quick rest
Take the 1 down to 911 Memorial

Over to Wall street

Down to Battery Park to see the Statue of Liberty

Over to the Seaport to find a place to watch the fireworks
Talked our way past the NYC police to get into a party that I'm not sure we were supposed to be in...

Deb scouted a great place to watch the fireworks (Awesome !)

30+ minute walk back through New York with 3 million other New Yorkers

Watched the fireworks again on the News and crashed hard...

Today its off for a few more sight seeing moments and shopping then back home tonight !!!

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